The Splash Premium Reds 15-Pack

Every Order Includes a 4-Pack of PureWine Wands

If you love red wine, you are in good company. However, many of us feel the side effects of drinking even a little bit, including headaches and hangover symtpoms. That's where the PureWine Wand comes it. By removing 4 histamines and 2 sulfites, you can enjoy all the red wine you want (well... maybe note ALL the red wine!) without any of the negatives. At Splash Wines, we were so thrilled that we decided to celebrate with a unique Groupon exclusive offer: 15 bottles of premium reds + a FREE sample 4-pack of PureWine Wands, so you can experience the fabulous benefits. Delicious red wine, no negative consequences, this deal is a win-win!

Check Out The Wines

PLUS Free Gift - 4-Pack of purewine wands

$9.99 Value, Yours FREE! In just a few minutes, these wands remove histamines and sulfites to prevent the headaches and hangovers associated with red wine consumption. You can also learn more about PureWine at

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